Thursday 20 June 2013

Backseat Gamer


Just a really brief update today, and I'm sure most of you won't be interested in it any way, but I've started writing a blog about my thought's on computer games. If you at all interested in what my thoughts are then please head on over to Backseat Gamer. Yes I know it currently looks as ugly as sin, but I'm working on that. For those of you who are wandering about updates on here, I have some reviews incoming, later this week, probably starting with the Bushido rulebook. So I've not forgotten this place at all. In fact over the past month or so I've actually been able to get some gaming in and I'm feeling re-energized. So keep an eye out for updates... oh and those of you waiting on my massively overdue Dark Age story competition, I have started moving on that today and am getting in touch with Cool Mini or Not over it again. Sorry for the delay, but with my head in the wrong place recently I didn't want to not judge things properly or fairly. I hope you can understand. Thanks. Peace out!


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