Sunday 27 January 2013

Sunday Sermobn: Long overdue update


Firstly sorry. I haven't exactly been regular with my updates lately, and the tail end of December and the start of January have been... well... sparse. Actually that's being ever so slightly kind on myself, there's been nothing. I've also not been answering emails, which for those of you who have communicated with me in the past will come as a bit of a shock I'm sure. I'll be honest here, I've had a lot of shit to deal with over the last few weeks and I've had neither the time nor the inclination to update this Blog. There has just been too much real life *bleep* I've had to be dealing with, and a fair few disasters have befallen my little world. It is fair to say that I feel bad about not responding to the literally hundreds of emails I've seemingly received (sorry I've not really been checking) I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

In some respects I'm sure I've found my absence more frustrating than most. You see I'd got a whole heap of stuff planned and ready to shoot out onto the Blog prior to the month from hell happening. I've also got a few products I want to talk about, namely Dreadball, Sedition Wars, Gruntz and Star Wars the Card Game. There are plenty of other things too that I want to chat about, but I've not had the energy or felt I've had the time to sit down and do them. Hopefully I'll be starting to get back into the swing of things shortly and I'll be able to put a few more articles up. But, I'm not going to be as prolific as I have been for a while I think, there's just too much going on, and too many things I need to sort out. This sermon is just to say that sometimes things come out of the blue and there's nothing you can do about it, and that's what has happened to me. Any way, I'm not dead. Peace out!


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